Efficiency at the checkout:
How fast is “fast enough”?
The speed of a checkout transaction is a key factor for guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. A central finding of the analysis: the duration of a checkout strongly depends on the systems used and their configuration.
Numbers and facts about speed
Average checkout time across all customers with all payment methods: 8.9 seconds. Of this, 0.7 seconds is for detection, and approximately 4 seconds each are spent on payment and the user interaction time at the visioncheckout.
What is possible? In a reference business optimized for speed, we even achieve an average time of just 4.7 seconds. This is made possible by the consistent optimization of the configuration.
Speed is not only a technical issue, but much rather a reflection of how systems are adapted to the needs of the guests and the business.
Factors affecting speed
Payment methods: Credit and debit card payments are significantly slower than payments with key cards. This difference is especially noticeable during peak hours.
Additional features: Features like scales or selection items are helpful and offer flexibility but can extend the checkout time.
Erfahrung der Gäste: Regelmäßige Nutzer werden schneller im Umgang mit Self-Check-out-Systemen. Die Daten zeigen, dass in Betrieben, in denen die Gäste regelmäßig mit dem System interagieren, die Bedienzeit deutlich sinkt.
Insight: Businesses should specifically evaluate which processes they can accelerate. Adjusting payment methods or eliminating additional features could significantly optimize operations.
Impact of the correction feature
Being able to correct false detections is a safety net that few users of the visioncheckout want to go without. However, this option was only used in the rarest cases. Particularly interesting: The number of corrected trays remains stable, regardless of whether guests or staff activated this function. These numbers show that guests are generally honest and rarely exploit false detections to their advantage.
Insight: The results contradict the assumption that self-checkout systems are particularly prone to fraud or errors. Operators can rely on the precision of the systems and benefit from the low usage of the correction function.
Additional features:
What effects do selection items, and other additional features have?
The analysis shows that additional features play an important role – both in terms of guest benefit and process efficiency. However, they can also make operations more complex. For a more detailed analysis of additional features like the “Weigh & Pay” function, selection items, and different payment methods, feel free to take a look at our White Paper. You can download it here.
Capacity and peak times:
How many guests can be served?
An often overlooked advantage of self-checkout systems is their capacity. The data shows that an optimized system can serve up to 720 guests per hour – 2.3 times more than a traditional checkout. Even with moderate utilization, the capacity still stands at 360 guests per hour.
Practical example
In one of our reference businesses, up to 12 trays are checked out per minute during the lunch rush. The flexible staff scheduling also allows employees to take on other tasks after peak times, rather than being tied to the checkout.
Insight: Data-based planning can help businesses efficiently manage peak times while optimizing staff deployment.
What does the data say about guest behaviour and employee satisfaction?
The data not only shows how guests interact with self-checkout systems, but also how this technology can change work for employees. By automating monotonous tasks like handling the cash register, employees can focus on more creative tasks with higher value. At the same time, guest satisfaction increases due to shorter waiting times and intuitive operation.
Have a look at actual operations: Our success stories
The White Paper contains numerous case studies showing how businesses have optimized their processes. In our success stories, you can have a look at some of them and be convinced by actual visioncheckout users.
Our White Paper provides even more insights! Here, you will not only learn technical facts but also deep insights into the processes of modern catering operations. It shows how data analysis can help address challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers, fluctuating demand, and increasing guest expectations.
Whether you operate a large kitchen, a theme park, or a university cafeteria – the insights from the 3.8 million transactions could transform your business as well. Get informed now and make data-driven decisions!